It explores themes of romantic obsession and a young writer finding her voice. Levack, whose debut feature “I Like Movies” premiered at Toronto in 2023, and won the Independent Spirit Awar...
The film is produced with the participation of Telefilm Canada and SODEC. Elevation Pictures will handle distribution in Canada, with Entract Films releasing in Québec. XYZ is managing worldwid...
She can make the turn from laughs to tears on a dime and with ‘Mile End Kicks’ she so effortlessly captures the anxiety of young adulthood in the style of timeless classics like ‘Rea...
Bostick is repped by Gersh, Principal Entertainment, Noble Caplan Abrams and Myman Greenspan Fox Rosenberg Mobasser Younger & Light. Simons is repped by Gersh and M88. Gariépy i...