Blanchett starred in Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” trilogy as Galadriel, a royal elf in Middle-Earth who possesses powerful magical abilities. The Oscar-winning actor reprised her ro...
” Blanchett is not the only “Lord of the Rings” star who’s expressed how low their pay was for the fantasy epic. Last year on “The Howard Stern Show,” Orlando Bloom...
” Blanchett appeared on “Watch What Happens Live” alongside Gina Gershon to promote the sci-fi film “Borderlands,” in theaters Friday. Based on the popular video game ser...
The film also stars Kevin Hart, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu, Jack Black and Gershon as Mad Moxxi. More from Variety Most Popular Must Read Sign Up for Variety Newsletters Mor...