Lensed by Sergio Armstrong (“Neruda”), “El lugar de la otra” is inspired by author Alia Trabucco’s “Las Homicidas” (“Women who Kill”), which chron...
Inés Bortagaray and Paloma Salas’ screenplay focuses on the point of view of Mercedes (Zulueta), the secretary of the judge assigned to Geel’s case. When she visits the writer&rsquo...
Like us, she seeks to find her own space in order to evolve and create,” Alberdi mused, adding: “The film also reflects on the classism and patriarchy that continue to prevail in Chilean s...
Regarding San Sebastian, she said: “I was a juror at San Sebastian a few years ago. What I love most about it is its audience. The cinemas are packed, it’s truly a city of cinephiles.&rdqu...