She also landed her first film there and made enough money to pay off her student loans.“Literally, one thing led to another, so I tell I’m the Forrest Gump of my field. I just blindly, by faith, walk...
It felt dark, being onstage having an hourlong audition. I dipped my toe in the water and was like, ‘Oop, too cold!’” she said. Science & Medicine New recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Serv...
“Luckily, I’m really good with money. That afforded me the opportunity to say ‘no’ and wait to see what else came along. My agents would stress that I would be out of the loop, but I was like, ‘I don’...
”“I live my life like I’m writing a book, because at the end of the day, when I’m in some old folks home and nobody feels like visiting me, I’m going to have the stories of my life to entertain me,” s...