They married four months later. In 1959 Cassavetes used his earnings from the TV series “Johnny Staccato” to finance his first film, “Shadows.” Partly improvised, shot with nat...
In addition to Nick, she and Cassavetes had two daughters, Alexandra and Zoe, who also pursued acting careers.John Cassavetes died of cirrhosis of the liver in 1989, and Rowlands returned to acting to...
Like other actors of her generation, she gained invaluable experience in the thriving field of television drama in the 1950s, appearing on all the major series.After leaving her MGM contract, she was ...
In the groundbreaking TV movie “An Early Frost,” she appeared as a mother confronting her son’s AIDS.Rowlands commented in 1992 that her roles remained in her memory.“Sometimes, those white nights whe...