Djokovic was asked whether this might mark the end of head-to-head competition between the pair."Of course it can be, but we don't know that. It really depends on many different factors," Djokovic sai...
"It's tough to be close, honestly greatest rivals, and you don't want to maybe give insights to your life or the way you feel and stuff because that can maybe expose you and stuff," Djokovic said. "I ...
Both have been ranked No. 1, and no pair of men has played each other more often in the professional era. They are two-thirds of the so-called big three of men's tennis, along with Roger Federer, who ...
Rapper Snoop Dogg sat beside tennis icon Billie Jean King; Vogue editor Anna Wintour was with film director Baz Luhrmann."You could feel the tension coming into the match, but also incredible hype, in...