“Conclave,” Edward Berger (U.K., U.S.) A Focus Features thriller from Oscar winner Berger set in the Vatican as Cardinal Lawrence (Ralph Fiennes), tasked with organising the selection of a...
Sold by Film Factory. “On Falling,” Laura Carreira, (U.K.) Produced by Sixteen Films and Bro Cinema, sold by Goodfellas and directed by Carreira, based in Scotland, a Por...
” “El lugar de la otra,” Maite Alberdi (Chile) A Netflix Original lensed by Sergio Armstrong (“Neruda”) and inspired by author Alia Trabucco’s “Las Homicidas&...
Producers Avalon and Elastica Films, behind 2022 Berlin Golden Bear winner “Alcarràs,” produce for Prime Video Spain. “Serpent’s Path,” Kiyoshi Kuro...