Night Country, episode 5, review some answers, some murder, a lot of ice : True Detective

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Published Time: 10.02.2024 - 06:40:12 Modified Time: 10.02.2024 - 06:40:12

In this penultimate episode, loose plot ends are tied up and mysteries (halfway) solved, ahead of next week's deep-freeze finale HBO The whole of True Detective Night Country (Sky Atlantic/HBO)has been leading its protagonists out to those mysterious ice caves (aka the Night Country itself) but first, this penultimate episode had some plot housekeeping to take care of

In this penultimate episode, loose plot ends are tied up and mysteries (halfway) solved, ahead of next week's deep-freeze finale


The whole of True Detective: Night Country (Sky Atlantic/HBO)has been leading its protagonists out to those mysterious ice caves (aka the Night Country itself) but first, this penultimate episode had some plot housekeeping to take care of. 

Is there a connection between the big, bad mining company and the Tsalal research station, from where all of the scientists disappeared? Why yes, there most certainly is. Pete Prior (Finn Bennett), Ennis Police’s assiduous research bloodhound, had finally joined the dots to prove that Silver Sky funded Tsalal in return for Tsalal keeping quiet about Silver Sky polluting the local waters and making the locals ill.

Item two on the loose ends agenda was more Big Mine corruption. Policeman Hank Prior (John Hawkes) has always seemed a little shifty and, in this episode, we found out why – he too is in the pocket of Silver Sky head honcho Kate McKittrick (Ballykissangel’s Dervla Kirwan).

In fact Hank is up to his neck in it: it was he who hacked his own son’s computer, stole all of Pete’s typically thorough research into the Wheeler case, and went and told McKittrick and police chief Connelly (Christopher Eccleston) how Danvers (Jodie Foster) and Navarro (Kali Reis) had shot the domestic abuser, then framed it as suicide. It meant that when Danvers stormed in to Silver Sky HQ to confront McKittrick with the Tsalal smoking gun, she was told to shut down the whole investigation. Blame Hank for the Kompromat.


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