Captain Shapps sails through choppy waters ! Shiver me timbers

Parents pay tribute to three children killed in house fire
Published Time: 14.05.2024 - 20:40:37 Modified Time: 14.05.2024 - 20:40:37

The Tory party might be all at sea but maybe the Defence Secretary can steady the ship Thomas Krych/Zuma/Alamy Avast me hearties! This salty sea dog sailed into Lancaster House in central London for the magnificently titled First Sea Lord’s Sea Power Conference 2024

The Tory party might be all at sea but maybe the Defence Secretary can steady the ship

: Thomas Krych/Zuma/Alamy

Avast me hearties! This salty sea dog sailed into Lancaster House in central London for the magnificently titled First Sea Lord’s Sea Power Conference 2024. This is what Britain is really about. Tall sailors in gold and braid having well-mannered debates about knots and cocktails, a throwback to a time when we not only ruled the waves, we smoothed them out to an elegant ripple.

“Just my luck,” whispered a Tory MP – a bachelor with a passion for topiary – “a room full of seamen and no sign of a Jolly Roger.” Being unfamiliar with the naval jargon, I smiled politely and returned to my fantasy of bringing back the Empire. Like all good Right-wing ideas, Sir Keir Starmer will probably steal it.


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