What to plant and tidy in your garden this month : Gardening jobs in July

Jay Slater ‘left the house alive’, says Airbnb host
Published Time: 02.07.2024 - 12:40:14 Modified Time: 02.07.2024 - 12:40:14

July is another month in which sitting back and enjoying the garden that you have created should be one of your main tasks The garden is looking full and lush now, with leaves as deep green as they will ever be and many of the more luxuriant flowers now blooming lilies, day lilies, agapanthus and Oriental poppies among them

July is another month in which sitting back and enjoying the garden that you have created should be one of your main tasks

The garden is looking full and lush now, with leaves as deep green as they will ever be and many of the more luxuriant flowers now blooming: lilies, day lilies, agapanthus and Oriental poppies among them. This is a bountiful and enjoyable time in the garden, with plenty of cut flowers available to fill jars and bunch up for friends. 

Vegetable and fruit gardens are finally producing good harvests of berries and fresh, young vegetables: the first gluts of the year are here and you would do well to dig out your courgette recipes. There is warmth in the air too, though we can and often do have extremes of weather this month, from drought to great thunderous storms and even hail. 

But it is another month in which sitting back and enjoying the garden that you have created should be one of your main tasks.

Gardening jobs to do in July


This is a good moment to shape and clip topiary. A small pair of shears is ideal, and sharpen them before you start if possible. You could also lay a tarpaulin around the topiary to collect the clippings. If your plants are still growing into the shape you want then you will need to take your time over this, visualising the shapes you want and carving them out. If you are just sharpening up a preexisting shape it should be easier. But either way, step back often and assess your work, and ruffle the surface of the topiary several times before you finish to flush out any sprigs that may be tucked under and will later pop out to spoil your lines. Trim again in September if you want really sharp lines for winter.

The fruit garden 

Top fruit such as apples and pears routinely produce more fruit than the tree can bring to full ripeness. They naturally shed lots of these immature fruits during June in what is known as the ‘June drop’, but this is rarely enough, so it is a good idea to come along afterwards to finish the job, not least because this prevents trees from overdoing it one year, and needing to take a year off the next. Thin out fruits that are clumped closely together so that just one or two is left at each point, and picture the ideal size of the final fruit. The idea is to ensure that each remaining fruit has enough space to achieve it.


The challenge through July is to keep flowering going for as long as possible, especially in repeat-flowering perennials and roses and in bedding plants and annuals. To this end it is a good idea to spend a little time each week going around and nipping off spent flowers. Once flowers are over, the plant receives the signal that all pollinating has been done, and it is time to move on to the next phase – setting seed – and they lose all drive to keep flowering. By continually thwarting their seed setting mechanism we keep them in flower. Regular doses of liquid fertiliser will also help to keep plants blooming all through summer.




The vegetable garden 

The pond 

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