Senior Tory ‘bet £8,000 he would lose his seat at election’

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Published Time: 26.06.2024 - 22:40:26 Modified Time: 26.06.2024 - 22:40:26

Sir Philip Davies says he has done nothing illegal and it was ‘nobody’s business’ how much he had gambled A senior Conservative has been accused of placing an £8,000 bet that he would lose his seat at the general election, it has been reported

Sir Philip Davies says he has done nothing illegal and it was ‘nobody’s business’ how much he had gambled

A senior Conservative has been accused of placing an £8,000 bet that he would lose his seat at the general election, it has been reported.

The Sun reported that Sir Philip Davies, who is defending a 6,242-vote majority in Shipley, West Yorkshire, placed the four-figure wager.

There is no suggestion that the leading Tory, who is married to Cabinet minister Esther McVey, broke the law.

Sir Philip told the newspaper that the sum involved was “nobody’s business”, that he “fully expected to lose” the seat and that he had done nothing illegal.

He is the second election candidate who has been accused of betting against himself.

Labour removed its support from Kevin Craig, who is standing in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, on Tuesday after he admitted betting that he would lose.

Sir Philip told The Sun: “What’s it got to do with you whether I did or didn’t?”

He added: “I hope to win. I’m busting a gut to win. I expect to lose. In the 2005 election, I busted a gut to win. I expected to lose.

“I had a bet on myself to lose in the 2005 election, and my bet went down the pan.”

Nobody’s business apart from mine

He went on to say: “My comment will be whether I have or haven’t, it’s nobody’s business apart from mine.

“And if anyone’s alleging I’ve done anything illegal, they’re very welcome to allege it, but I’m afraid I haven’t.”

On Tuesday night, Alister Jack, the Scottish Secretary, said he had placed three bets on the date of the general election, one of which was successful.

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